Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A Few Updates

I have really been neglecting this lately, haven't I? There has been so much to do lately, with my mom visiting from out of state, getting in contact with my best friend that I hadn't spoken to in about 10 years, finding out that we're having ANOTHER BOY!, you know, little things like that. Not to mention the minor injuries, weird bugs, school, laundry, cleaning, winterizing, and so on.

Thankfully, in the midst of all of that, hubby and I managed to get a nice, relaxing weekend together, where we didn't have to deal with any of the children. Now, for us, this took the help of four different people to get all of our kids taken care of for the weekend. That was a feat in itself, just finding that many people available at the same time, when we only had one weekend to choose from. And I don't even know very many people. Ah well, it was fun. We went to the Wilderness in the Dells. We actually stayed at the Glacier Canyon Lodge, which is some sort of timeshare sort of thing, but you can rent it out like a hotel room I guess. I'm not sure how it works, but we had to sign paperwork saying we weren't going to have any non-family themed parties. I'm wondering exactly what they meant by non-family themed, but I was too tired to ask by the time we got there.

We had fun hanging out though. We were able to do a lot of things around town that we'd never even attempted with the kids. If you still have an inner child, I suggest checking out Wizard Quest. It's a bit cheesy to start off with, but finding the clues was fun. We go so caught up looking for clues that we ran out of time. We would have done it again, but I was getting a bit tired. Plus my belly made it difficult to get into certain places. I was limited in the waterpark area as well, since pretty much the only thing I could do was go on the lazy river. Ah well. I'm not big on water anyway, hubby is. But we had fun anyway. We were able to go out to dinner without having to figure out what everyone wanted or would even be willing to eat, and I managed to make it through a whole day without being snotted on.

Other than that, we've just been busy with the usual day to day. The kids are enjoying the bit of nice weather we're having, which I'm hoping lasts a few more days, and we've been working on getting everything together for Thanksgiving too. My brother-in-law and his girlfriend are coming for sure, and hopefully a few other friends as well. We like to take in strays whenever possible, so it always makes for interesting holidays.

Well, I've got a few things lined up for this week, but hopefully semi-normal posting will resume again. Soon.