Tuesday, September 4, 2007

It Is Finished!

My quilt that is! I finally finished the baby quilt that I've been working on for nearly a year. It is light and dark yellow, light and dark green, and white with yellow rosebuds. It also sports some origami flowers, which were a lot of fun to make. (I highly recommend Fantastic Fabric Folding by Rebecca Wat, it's where I got the idea for this blanket.)

Here is a slideshow of the blanket.


Bonita said...

Your quilt is just beautiful! You are so talented and patient. I don't think I could work on a project for year! LOL

Shana said...

Aw, thanks :)

I didn't work on it every day for a year, there were a few times when there were a few weeks or even months between me working on it. I'm just glad it's finally finished!